Nostalgic Portal brings the “collector-to-collector” communities together to exchange information, assist in knowledge transfer and of course, build on each others' collection via buying/selling/trading.

Our goal is to promote the collector’s habit – to identify, preserve, and collect historical artifacts that have a significant meaning.

Capture the magical reminiscence of antiques and collectibles from yesteryear, with Nostalgic Portal. Explore the journey into the past with the early pioneers who gradually brought us from the past to todays national brands, big box company products in soda pop, coffee, tea, liquor, drugstore, ginger beer, dairy, brewery, fruit jars, stoneware, general store advertising in tins, signs, old BC bottles, seltzer syphons, etc.

Who were these legendary, “one-offs”, obscure moms-&-pops home basement business operations? Meikle Bros., Kelly, Douglas & Co., Calley & Co., BC Bottling Works… name a few…and the list goes on.

Nostalgic Portal focuses on early advertising antiques and collectibles from across Canada (with an emphasis on British Columbia B.C.).
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Last Updated March 2011 | Site Design by